.Com Strategies Podcast where you will learn key insights into valuing, marketing, brokering and selling your domain names.
In today’s episode I talk about the impact your world view has on your branding, marketing and messaging.
POINT #1: World View and an online art company
- Chris mentions that even though he has done podcasts before on world view, he feels the subject is so important it is worth another go.
- He talks about how his nephew came into town, looking for advice on his Catholic art company online, and how to establish dominance through frames and world view. It lets you copies your size and print, and allows you to take it to Hobby Lobby to get a frame for it.
POINT #2: World view and sales
- Chris talks about a guy who worked with Tony Robbins and helped people perfect their sales pitches.
- This guys major thing was talking about the different states of mind for potential buyers. He said that any given moment, there was a percentage of people looking actively for your product and ready to buy it without needing convincing. There was another percentage who needed convincing because they want it, and a certain percentage of people who want the product but don’t know it, and then the percentage of people who are not interested at all.
- You can increase your sales based on what pool of people you go after. A hotdog vendor will make more sales if he is a ball game full of hungry people then he will in a suburban neighborhood. A lot of time sales comes done to the pool of potential clients, and then showing them the world view you have behind your product.
- This goes for the painting. Not many people are actively hunting for paintings, they are thinking about other things. This is where world view comes into play, and you have to show people why they need a painting. Its all about changing the world view.
Point #3: And now back to domains…
- Chris mentions that he is still trying to perfect his world view, and how he needs to be clearer on it to show people the importance of domain names.
- He says that too often sellers and companies out the world view in their terms, instead of putting I into terms the customer will understand and latch on too.